internet xplorer

Please bear with me as I begin to put this website together!

The purpose of this website:


I have recently been obsessed with all things 90's software, tech, and internet. I purchased a dot matrix printer which got me thinking about how to connect and print to it with modern operating systems. This gave me the idea of trying to run Windows 98 which I was able to do using an emulator. For a bit more nostalgia, I downloaded copies of Microsoft Office 97 so I could check out old versions of excel and word, both of which I (and most of us) use regularly today.

Before all this I had stumbled across a few youtube channels which dived into old websites. It was cool to see the internet of my childhood again and after continually searching for content on 90's internet, a lot of which referenced Geocities, that's when I came across Neocities. Along with my recent obsession, this gave me the idea to try and put my own website together essentially as a way to help me learn HTML but also to be a part of the internet as we knew it.

With that, this page may at times be confusing, under construction, a mishmash of random things but that's the beauty of these very personalised websites. I hope others find themselves in the same spot as myself - someone with very little understanding but willing to give it a go!

These are resources or webpages I have found along the way to help me build this website or give me inspiration and as a way of thanking them, these are their websites.


The HTML HobbyistI am an HTML Hobbyist

Obspogon's Zone This page lead me to The HTML Hobbyist.

GifCities by Internet ArchiveInternet Archive